Source: via ja:na on Pinterest
To be honest, my work schedule is tough and work-life balance sometimes seems to be a thing of the past. But after our time in California, I came home refreshed and motivated to make a few improvements in my life. You can't let a crazy schedule decide what you do and don't do outside of work. I've never been one to embrace New Year's resolutions, but as we move into a new season, I could use a few summer resolutions. Here's what I'm thinking...
~ Start running outside regularly
~ Decorate our little balcony and enjoy meals outside
~ Relax with manicures, pedicures and massages
~ Learn to re-finish a piece of furniture
~ BBQ, make ice cream, drink lemonade
~ Take a photography class
~ Enjoy the outdoors... picnics, tennis and golf
~ Host a much overdue housewarming party
~ Participate in city events and festivals
Summer is my all time favourite season and I want to make the most of the sunny months. Whatever life is like for you right now, I hope you're inspired to make a few of your own resolutions. What are your summer plans?
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
lets get started by going to the lilac festival sun the 29th?!?
I love the resolution to go for manis, pedis and massages. Tomorrow I'm buying new sandals and then going for a pedi. When I get back.. Manis at Canadian Hippy Nails?!
I plan to ride my bike more often- maybe use it as my main transportation? We will see! And I plan to shop at the Farmer's Market as much as possible! And play outside as much as possible.
Running: yes
Ice cream: yes
Massages: yes
Long overdue housewarming party: yes yes yes
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