I feel a season of crafting coming on and I’m excited. It’s always great to rediscover joys that you might not have entertained for a while. So to kick things off, I dug out my sewing machine, bought some plum coloured buttons and pretty cream fabric with black floral bunches.
A huge bouquet of dried lavender had been smelling up our laundry room and it was time to get creative with it. I got to cutting, pinning and sewing and made luscious lavender sachets. They are perfect gifts for the girls for their non-mentionables drawer, bedside table, bathroom or purse.
Crafts involving loads of lavender leave you mellow and sleepy, your place smelling like a spa, and your husband wondering how before you, he handled “hockey bag” as the house signature scent.
..and they truly believe that their hockey bags "don't really smell that bad"....
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